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Select the Keywords to browse their abstracts. Select as many as you like.

RAD (1 Abstract)
radiation (1 Abstract)
Ragweed (1 Abstract)
range expansion (2 Abstracts)
rangeland (1 Abstract)
Ranunculaceae (2 Abstracts)
Ranunculales (1 Abstract)
rapidly evolving (1 Abstract)
rapid radiation (2 Abstracts)
Rapid speciation (1 Abstract)
rare plant (2 Abstracts)
rare species (5 Abstracts)
rare species conservation (1 Abstract)
Raritan Formation (1 Abstract)
Rarity (2 Abstracts)
RASP (1 Abstract)
rate heterogeneity (1 Abstract)
rbcL (1 Abstract)
real-time PCR (1 Abstract)
recado (1 Abstract)
red light and seagrass (2 Abstracts)
red maple (1 Abstract)
reduced consensus (1 Abstract)
reduced evolutionary trends (1 Abstract)
redwood (1 Abstract)
refugium (1 Abstract)
regional cultivar (1 Abstract)
regional flora (1 Abstract)
Regulations (1 Abstract)
rehydration (1 Abstract)
reintroduction (1 Abstract)
reiteration (1 Abstract)
Relative abundance (1 Abstract)
relative water content (1 Abstract)
relaxed molecular clock  (1 Abstract)
relict (1 Abstract)
reproductions (1 Abstract)
Reproductive biology (5 Abstracts)
reproductive ecology (1 Abstract)
Reproductive Health (1 Abstract)
reproductive isolation (4 Abstracts)
reproductive success (2 Abstracts)
reseach skills (1 Abstract)
research methods (3 Abstracts)
research skills (1 Abstract)
resistance (1 Abstract)
resorption (1 Abstract)
resource degradation (1 Abstract)
resource diversity (1 Abstract)
resource partitioning (1 Abstract)
Respiration (2 Abstracts)
restoration (8 Abstracts)
rheumatism (1 Abstract)
rhizomorph evolution (1 Abstract)
Rhizophora (1 Abstract)
Rhizosphere (2 Abstracts)
Rhodiola (1 Abstract)
Rhodothamnus (1 Abstract)
Ribosomal inactivating proteins (1 Abstract)
Rice (2 Abstracts)
risk analysis (1 Abstract)
ritual plants (1 Abstract)
Robbins (1 Abstract)
robust design (1 Abstract)
robustness (1 Abstract)
Rocky Mountains (1 Abstract)
rodent pollination (1 Abstract)
Ronnbergia (1 Abstract)
root architecture (1 Abstract)
roots (1 Abstract)
Rosa (1 Abstract)
Rosaceae (3 Abstracts)
Rosa multiflora (1 Abstract)
Rosids (2 Abstracts)
Roucela complex (1 Abstract)
rpl16 (2 Abstracts)
rpL16 intron (1 Abstract)
rpl32-trnL (2 Abstracts)
rpL32F (1 Abstract)
Rubiaceae (1 Abstract)
Rubus (1 Abstract)
Ruellieae (1 Abstract)
Ruilopezia (1 Abstract)
Ruppia maritima (1 Abstract)
Ruscaceae (1 Abstract)
Rutaceae (1 Abstract)

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